Be part of a new exclusive spot added to the front page of SAGE Workplace with an audience of more than 45,000 distributor users. Each time they log in, they will see your ad in rotation, where you can spotlight your company and message!
This is the perfect opportunity to promote your new products, specials, videos, lines, or simply increase your brand recognition. This is a great attention grabber for distributor users to see what’s going on with top suppliers.
Track your success with statistical reports on the number of times your spotlight ad was viewed and clicked.
Add a short tagline, message, logo, products, or video.
Distributors can easily add this product to their File Center from the homepage or even order a sample.
Change your message as frequently as you like, or add multiple spotlights to cover various messages.
Minimum 72 dpi
300 pixels x 200 pixels
Up to 500 characters
(including spaces)
Reserve up to a year in advance.
See what space is available and reserve your ad in the SAGE Supplier Center.
Have questions? Feel free to contact us.
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opportunities to target distributors!