Wouldn't it be nice if you could instantly send your clients an eco-friendly, electronic flip-through catalog at the touch of a button? With the SAGE Flip Catalog, you can!
At the click of a mouse, readers can delve into your virtual catalog, putting them in control of the 3-D turning page animation as if they had a real copy in front of them.
Drive traffic to your website and increase your company's exposure.
SAGE Flip Catalogs are searchable by keyword, page number, etc., so readers can quickly find exactly what they're looking for.
Save money and resources that would otherwise be spent on printing.
Readers can download a PDF so they always have a copy on hand. Or, you can print and email the entire document or just certain pages to share with anyone, anywhere.
Less than 15 MB and color mode RGB only
Minimum 150 dpi and maximum 300 dpi
All pages must be one Adobe PDF and uniform in dimensions
All fonts must be embedded and searchable text must be plain text
Any hyperlinks need to be in PDF (remember to include http:// with links)
No two-page spreads and no cropmarks or bleeds
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.