SAGE Supplier Rating Dispute Reporting Information
SAGE will investigate any allegation that a rating appears to be made by mistake, violates our SAGE User-Generated Content Guidelines or is otherwise suspicious. It is important to note that we require as part of our user agreement that customers only rate honestly.
The ratings represent an opinion-based summary of the distributors’ impressions regarding their experience with the company. Ratings are subjective, and distributors are entitled to share their opinions with other distributors.
If a rating dispute is accepted and an investigation is opened, we will contact the distributor to get more information. In some cases, the ratings are determined to be legitimate and therefore remain in the system. If such a determination cannot be made, we will remove the rating. In this way, we ensure the integrity of the rating system while still protecting the privacy rights of distributors that may choose to not disclose their contact information to the supplier.
Submit your rating dispute by clicking here.