With the Virtual Design Studio in SAGE Workplace, you can create your own virtual samples to add to presentations or send to clients in seconds. Email, print, or save your virtual samples to use for projects, sales presentations, and more!
Here is our step-by-step guide for how to use the Virtual Design Studio to create virtual proofs for your clients.
You can also edit the background of your virtual sample. You can change the color or even upload a background image. Select the Background option at the top left. To change the color, select the Color option to open the Color Picker. This will open a pop up where you can select a different color for your background. Or, to upload a background image, select Upload, File Center, or Web Link to select your image. You will then see a pop up where you can select the image’s Fit Mode, either True Size, Fit to Canvas, Fill Canvas, Stretch, or Tile. Select your preferred option and click Proceed.
You can save your virtual samples to a project in the Project Management module straight from the Virtual Design Studio. Once your sample is created, click Save Project and select a project. Give your sample a name, and click Use this folder to save your virtual sample to your project!
If you have a SAGE Website subscription, your clients can create their own virtual samples on your website! Enable the VDS on your website to allow your clients to easily see what their branding will look like on promotional products.
When it comes to creating virtual samples, there’s no easier solution than the SAGE Virtual Design Studio. From adding and editing logos to products to adding virtual samples to projects, presentations, and more – the SAGE Virtual Design Studio does it all! For a more in-depth tutorial, sign up for a free, live demo.