Color schemes. Fonts. Layouts. They all are parts of creating an effective ad, but if you don’t have experience in design, it can get confusing. Here are a few tips on how you can create an A‑list ad and avoid a total dud.
The Designer’s Dictionary
Here are a few terms you’ll need to know when discussing your artwork:
Specs (Specifications): Specs refers to the artwork specifications and can include the size of the image or any other details that are required, such as the resolution and file type.
Pixels: A pixel is a unit of measurement in a digital image. Each pixel is a tiny dot of color that when joined by other pixels forms an image. The number of pixels you have in each direction (height and width) determines the size of the image. For example, an image that is 100 x 125 pixels makes a rectangular image and is 100 pixels high and 125 pixels wide.
Call to Action (CTA): A call to action is a phrase that tells the audience what to do next. For example, “Call us now,” or “Sign up for our newsletter here.” An ad without a CTA is considered less effective.
Negative Space (or White Space): Space that is blank and free of clutter is referred to as negative space. The importance of negative space is to deliver a clear and concise message without too many objects crowding your ad.
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