The Promo Stats You Want To Know

The Promo Stats You Want To Know

We have to admit—we’re big fans of stats, especially when they’re paired with eye-catching infographics. So that’s exactly what we’ve created here! Thanks to the incredible research from our friends over at PPAI, we’ve compiled some fascinating insights from their...
What’s The Deal With Those Products?!

What’s The Deal With Those Products?!

Let’s do an exercise! Close your eyes and push everything you know about promotional products out of your brain. Now, what do you think of when you hear the word promotional products? Your mind probably goes to the most popular, the tried and true. Mugs, pens,...
Gen Z’s Take on Promo

Gen Z’s Take on Promo

Gen Z! A fresh take on the promotional product world. But, I bet you have some burning questions. What do they like? How do my clients market to them? Where is Gen Z seeing promo the most? Our friends at PPAI put together some wonderful research on the promo industry...