The Beginner’s Guide to Project Management

The Project Management module in SAGE integrates seamlessly with all areas of SAGE Workplace, saving you valuable time. With Project Management, you can track your orders from start to finish, manage all your projects with one simple tool, customize your workflow, improve your team’s organization, and streamline your client communication – all in one easy-to-use tool.

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Here is our step-by-step guide for how to use the SAGE Project Management module to streamline your order process and stay on track with your projects.

How to Create a New Project

  • Log into your SAGE Workplace account.
  • Click Projects in the left menu.
  • Click “New” in the upper left-hand corner of the page and give your project a name by typing in the “Project Name” field.
  • Assign a client to the project by selecting one from the drop-down menu under “Client”. This allows you to choose from all the clients you have entered in your SAGE CRM. You can also add a new client by clicking “New” next to the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the event date for your client’s event or the date that the project needs to be completed by clicking on the drop-down menu under “Event Date”.
  • Enter a description in the text box under “Description”.
  • Click “Create” to create your project. This takes you to a new screen where you can add additional information to your project in the various tabs.
  • Log into your SAGE Workplace account.
  • Create a New Project
  • Click Projects in the left menu.
  • Create a New Project
  • Click “New” in the upper left-hand corner of the page and give your project a name by typing in the “Project Name” field.
  • Create a New Project
  • Assign a client to the project by selecting one from the drop-down menu under “Client”. This allows you to choose from all the clients you have entered in your SAGE CRM. You can also add a new client by clicking “New” next to the drop-down menu.
  • Create a New Project
  • Choose the event date for your client’s event or the date that the project needs to be completed by clicking on the drop-down menu under “Event Date”.
  • Create a New Project
  • Enter a description in the text box under “Description”.
  • Create a New Project
  • Click “Create” to create your project. This takes you to a new screen where you can add additional information to your project in the various tabs.
  • Create a New Project
things to know

Things to Know:

Adding this valuable information, like your client’s logo, will make creating virtual samples and presentations a breeze. If you want a certain client to have specific discount, you can also set that up in their contact information. You can also go back and add any additional contacts to your client’s company information.

How to Customize Your Workflow

  • In the left-hand sidebar, there are labels for the steps of your project from “Research” to “Feedback” and everything in between. You can customize and rearrange the workflow to fit your needs.
  • Click each label to set a date that that task needs to be completed by. You can also turn the due date for that step off by clicking the “Due Date” toggle to Off.
  • Select a date on the calendar or choose one of the future date buttons like tomorrow, 1 week, or 1 month. You can also add notes and select a specific time that each step is due if you choose. Click “Save” to save your due date.
  • Add tasks to your project, click “+ Task” in the upper right-hand of the page.
  • Choose a subject for the task from the drop-down menu. Then add any notes you have, select a due date and time, and assign an owner to the task.
  • Click “Add” to save your new task and add it to the task window.
  • In the left-hand sidebar, there are labels for the steps of your project from “Research” to “Feedback” and everything in between. You can customize and rearrange the workflow to fit your needs.
  • Customize Your Workflow
  • Click each label to set a date that that task needs to be completed by. You can also turn the due date for that step off by clicking the “Due Date” toggle to Off.
  • Customize Your Workflow
  • Select a date on the calendar or choose one of the future date buttons like tomorrow, 1 week, or 1 month. You can also add notes and select a specific time that each step is due if you choose. Click “Save” to save your due date.
  • Customize Your Workflow
  • Add tasks to your project, click “+ Task” in the upper right-hand of the page.
  • Customize Your Workflow
  • Choose a subject for the task from the drop-down menu. Then add any notes you have, select a due date and time, and assign an owner to the task.
  • Customize Your Workflow
  • Click “Add” to save your new task and add it to the task window.
  • Customize Your Workflow
things to know

Things to Know:

Want to easily tell if a project is on track? By setting due dates for each step of the workflow, you can view everything at a glance on the Project Management dashboard. Mark each step of the project green for done, blue for upcoming due dates, and red for anything past due.

How to Work on Your Project

  • You can create presentations, forms, and more all directly from the Project Management module.
  • Add artwork to your project by navigating to the Artwork tab. Click “Add Artwork” in the bottom-left corner of the page. Select your file, add a file name and any notes, then click “OK” to add the artwork.
  • Start a new product search for the project under the Searches tab by clicking New Search. This will open a new tab where you can perform your search, find products, and save them to the project.
  • To create a new presentation, tag the products you want to use on the Products tab to add them to a presentation, or start from scratch on the Presentations tab by clicking “New Presentation”.
  • The Forms tab holds all your Order Management forms for this project. Create a new order form by clicking “New Form” in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
  • On the Proofs tab, you can add a proof and send it to your client for approval or feedback. Click “Add Proof”, select your file, add a name and a note to your client, and click “OK” to add the proof and send to your client.
  • Easily send a thank you note to your client under the Finish tab. Type your thank you note in the “Thank You Note Text” box, then click Send.
  • You can create presentations, forms, and more all directly from the Project Management module.
  • Work on Your Project
  • Add artwork to your project by navigating to the Artwork tab. Click “Add Artwork” in the bottom-left corner of the page. Select your file, add a file name and any notes, then click “OK” to add the artwork.
  • Work on Your Project
  • Start a new product search for the project under the Searches tab by clicking New Search. This will open a new tab where you can perform your search, find products, and save them to the project.
  • Work on Your Project
  • To create a new presentation, tag the products you want to use on the Products tab to add them to a presentation, or start from scratch on the Presentations tab by clicking “New Presentation”.
  • Work on Your Project
  • The Forms tab holds all your Order Management forms for this project. Create a new order form by clicking “New Form” in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
  • Work on Your Project
  • On the Proofs tab, you can add a proof and send it to your client for approval or feedback. Click “Add Proof”, select your file, add a name and a note to your client, and click “OK” to add the proof and send to your client.
  • Work on Your Project
  • Easily send a thank you note to your client under the Finish tab. Type your thank you note in the “Thank You Note Text” box, then click Send.
  • Work on Your Project

How to Use the Client Dashboard to Communicate with Customers

  • Clients can use the customer portal to track the status of an order, view and respond to proofs, presentations, and previous projects, pay bills, and upload artwork.
  • Send a link to your client by clicking the link or email icon. You can also view the client dashboard by clicking the view icon.
  • The project status will automatically update on the client side when you mark certain steps of your project as “Done”. Auto-update is enabled by default.
  • You can also update the project on the client side by selecting a status from the “Client-Side Status” drop-down menu. Click “Save” to save your update.
  • Your client will be automatically updated on the project’s progress via email and on the client dashboard.
  • Clients can use the customer portal to track the status of an order, view and respond to proofs, presentations, and previous projects, pay bills, and upload artwork.
  • Communicate with Customers
  • Send a link to your client by clicking the link or email icon. You can also view the client dashboard by clicking the view icon.
  • Communicate with Customers
  • The project status will automatically update on the client side when you mark certain steps of your project as “Done”. Auto-update is enabled by default.
  • Communicate with Customers
  • You can also update the project on the client side by selecting a status from the “Client-Side Status” drop-down menu. Click “Save” to save your update.
  • Communicate with Customers
  • Your client will be automatically updated on the project’s progress via email and on the client dashboard.
  • Communicate with Customers
things to know

Things to Know:

The best part is that you can access all your project information and updates from SAGE Workplace!

From helping you set clear goals and priorities to knowing where you projects are from start to finish with ease, the Project Management module in SAGE Workplace helps you save valuable time and get the results you deserve. For a more in-depth tutorial, sign up for a free, live demo.

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