The Project Management module in SAGE integrates seamlessly with all areas of SAGE Workplace, saving you valuable time. With Project Management, you can track your orders from start to finish, manage all your projects with one simple tool, customize your workflow, improve your team’s organization, and streamline your client communication – all in one easy-to-use tool.
Here is our step-by-step guide for how to use the SAGE Project Management module to streamline your order process and stay on track with your projects.
Adding this valuable information, like your client’s logo, will make creating virtual samples and presentations a breeze. If you want a certain client to have specific discount, you can also set that up in their contact information. You can also go back and add any additional contacts to your client’s company information.
Want to easily tell if a project is on track? By setting due dates for each step of the workflow, you can view everything at a glance on the Project Management dashboard. Mark each step of the project green for done, blue for upcoming due dates, and red for anything past due.
The best part is that you can access all your project information and updates from SAGE Workplace!
From helping you set clear goals and priorities to knowing where you projects are from start to finish with ease, the Project Management module in SAGE Workplace helps you save valuable time and get the results you deserve. For a more in-depth tutorial, sign up for a free, live demo.
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