The Promo Stats You Want To Know

The Promo Stats You Want To Know

We have to admit—we’re big fans of stats, especially when they’re paired with eye-catching infographics. So that’s exactly what we’ve created here! Thanks to the incredible research from our friends over at PPAI, we’ve compiled some fascinating insights from their...

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Q4 2024 Development Recap

This past quarter, we’ve rolled out even more exciting features and enhancements you won’t want to miss. With expanded capabilities in the SAGE Websites and new tools in SAGE Workplace, these updates are designed to give you greater customization, control, and...

color trends banner

Behind the Rainbow: The Pantone Story

Well, it's official! The Pantone Color of the Year is Mocha Mousse! It's a rich, warm brown that's not too dark or too light and can carry throughout each season. It gives off a sense of luxury and indulgence—like a bowl of chocolate mousse. Some other notable...

sage workplace

What’s New with SAGE in 2025?

Over the years, SAGE has continuously evolved and expanded our platforms to provide customers with more ways to search for promotional products and manage their businesses. From introducing iOS and Android apps to launching, we’ve made it easy for...