Productivity Tips

live chat, laptop

Why You May Need to Switch to Live Chat

If you’re anything like me when you’re online shopping, you may come across an item you have questions about such as: “Does this come in the quantity I need?" "Can I overnight this?" (because …

Planner and Calendar Trends_v2

Don’t Just Dream It, Plan It!

Well… it’s November already, and 2022 is right around the corner. Sure, we could lament the ending of another year and go on about how quickly this one seemed to fly by. Instead, let’s chat about how…


Setting Your Team Up for Sales Success

Ah, sales: it's what so much of business is all about. As much as we'd all like to believe that promotional products just sell themselves, a superstar selling team is essential for converting passing…


Mindfulness and the Workplace

“Mindfulness” has become an increasingly popular buzzword over the past year, with workers suffering from pandemic-related burnout and record high stress levels. But what does it really mean? Mind…


What to Do When Work Leaves You Overwhelmed

Ever feel like projects keep kicking off but never seem to end? Has working from home blurred your workday boundaries, making it impossible to unplug at night or on weekends? Are you already exhauste…

Virtual Tradeshow Best Practices

How to Get the Most out of Virtual Tradeshows

Attending virtual tradeshows is the "new normal" for 2020, so what does it take to be successful at the virtual tradeshows you’re attending? The main takeaway that we’d like to emphasize is that a vi…