For many people, staying on top of everything is not as simple as it sounds. If you’ve ever found yourself struggling to keep up with deadlines, get everything for an order where it needs to be on time, or hit that sweet spot of inbox zero, don’t fret: getting a handle on your productivity is not a lost cause!
There are plenty of apps, tools, and software out there to help you get a handle on your schedule, but none of them are made especially with the needs of promotional products professionals in mind. That’s where the Project Management module in SAGE comes in. SAGE Project Management was built with you in mind, making it perfect for getting on top of your projects and staying there.
Everything In Its Place
Project Management allows you to keep everything for your orders organized and in one place. Since Project Management connects with all other areas of SAGE, including the CRM and Order Management modules, you don’t even have to manually add things like your client’s logos and information in if you’ve already entered them somewhere else. Having all that information handy makes creating virtual samples and presentations a breeze and saves everything together under your project for easy access!
Customize It
Everybody works differently – it’s just a fact. Your company’s workflow will look different from another distributor company, and theirs is different from the next. The Project Management module is built with this in mind and can be easily customized to fit your company’s needs. Move steps around to suit your team’s processes, get rid of unnecessary items to save time, and set due dates for each step to keep yourself and your team accountable and on track.
Prioritizing Made Easy
Figuring out what to prioritize first can be a real challenge. When you set your own due dates, you’ll be able to see at-a-glance whether or not you’re staying on track for your projects. You can view all your projects in one place on the Project Management dashboard and quickly tell what’s behind and what’s on schedule with color-coded date reminders. Green means you’re done with that step, blue means it’s upcoming, and red is for anything that’s fallen behind. This allows you to look at everything at once and prioritize the most pressing things without having to dig through dozens of emails.
Communication is Key!
One of the most challenging parts of staying on top of things is keeping up with communications. Between emails, phone calls, texts, instant messages, and so much more, there are so many different things to stay on top of. But with the SAGE Project Management module, you can streamline your client communication and get closer to the coveted inbox zero! Project Management gives your clients a dedicated dashboard just for them where they can track the order, view and respond to proofs, upload artwork, and pay for their order, saving you and them tons of valuable time that might otherwise have been spent going back and forth.
Mastering your productivity might seem tricky or even daunting, but it doesn’t have to! With SAGE Project Management, included in your SAGE Total Access subscription, you can get a handle on your projects and push your productivity to the next level. To learn more about Project Management, visit or contact us today!